1. Laying out the System / Basic Planning Tips:
- The boundary wire must make a continuous loop back to the transmitter.
- Make a layout that is suitable for your yard. Sample layouts are provided.
- Always round the corners of your boundary with the wire. Sharp corners will distort the signal.
- Use a double loop layout to contain your pet on one side of your home.
(Refer to Double Loop diagrams 1& 4 over the page) - When installing a double loop, the wire must be spaced three to five feet apart to avoid canceling the signal.
- The transmitter will transmit a signal from approximately half a metre to 3 metres on either side of the boundary wire. Be sure to leave enough area so that your dog can move about freely within the safe area boundaries.
2. Install your system
- Locate the transmitter
- Layout the boundary wire
- Connecting wire to the transmitter
- Splicing the wire if you need more than 150 metres of wire
- Test the boundary
- Burying the wire
- Crossing hard surfaces:
- Set the boundary width
- Testing the receiver
3. Place collar on your dog correctly
With your dog standing (not sitting) place the receiver on your dog’s neck, make sure it is positioned where the two contact points are touching your dog’s skin. If your dog’s hair is so thick that it keeps the contact points from touching your dog’s skin, you might want to use the longer contact points that are supplied with your system.
4. Training your dog for 2 weeks
- Place the collar on your dog's neck and allow your dog to run around the yard while the transmitter is unplugged from the wall, so your dog can grow comfortable with wearing the new collar.
- Train up to 3 times a day in sessions of 10 to 15 minutes for good results.Make sure that the flags are positioned where the tone begins (not directly on the boundary wire).
- Place the collar receiver on your dog with the dog's regular collar attached to a leash.
- Walk your dog towards the boundary line like you're taking the dog for a walk. Upon hearing the collar beep at the flag line, retreat your dog back a few metres. When doing this, reward your dog and make it appear that it's a game. Making it fun and positive for the dog will speed the learning process.
- Repeat step 4 until your dog retreats without guidance.
- After your dog has mastered retreating from the tone & the flags, it is time to give your dog a correction. Keep the leash on your dog and run towards the boundary line, making sure that you and your dog go into the field far and long enough to receive a correction.
- When the correction is felt by your dog retreat back into the yard where your dog knows that it is safe. You will only get one shot at this each session. Watch for signs of your dog lunging forward to try to break through the boundary system. If your dog does this, repeat the above steps until your dog runs back to the safe area on its own. The Dog is not to be released in the yard unattended until all steps of the training are complete & the dog is respecting the boundary consistently without assistance.